Draft Destination Management Plan

Dungog Regional Tourism Chair Cameron Archer with draft Destination Management Plan for review.jpg

Dungog Regional Tourism commissioned Jenny Rand and Associates to prepare a Destination Management Plan for the Dungog region. These plans are important to get everyone aware of the issues in order to move ahead with tourism initiatives.

The Plan will set the direction and framework for the development and management of tourism in the Shire for the next 5 years and is critical to sourcing funding.

It is my experience that funding organisations will seek assurance that their funds will be well spent by looking at what planning has preceded the application for funds.

We need to attract funds to create initiates to grow our capacity and profile. There is much happening and this needs to be built on. The dramatic growth in mountain biking demonstrates the great advantages which Dungog has to grow its local economy through tourism. Many other local government areas are aiming to attract mountain biking so we cannot be complacent. The Plan will assist us to progress together.

Jenny Rand was already familiar with the region and spent time during 2020 consulting with the main organisations involved with tourism.

DRT is working closely with Dungog Shire Council in the preparation of the plan. Jenny recently presented this draft plan to a meeting of councillors.

It is now in a form which enables a wider review by interested individuals and organisations.

Copies of the draft plan and a summary presentation are available on this website at destination management plan

The timetable is:

  • 14 December 2020 – distribution to members of DRT and other interested individuals/organisations for review.

  • 22 January 2021 – close of review period, collation and consideration of responses.

  • 1 February 2021 – review by DRT Board and Jenny Rand & Associates and finalisation of the document.

  • 5 February 2021 – forward to Council for final review.

  • 1 March 2021 – final approval by DRT Board and distribution

 Please review and provide feedback via email or a written statement by 22nd of January 2021.

Feedback should be emailed to  info@drt.org.au


Cameron Archer AM


DRT Inc.